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Čudovite hiše za ladijske zabojnike

Ever seen shipping container homes? Funny enough or weird to hear, but yes it is. These awesome houses are built by stacking and lining up thick steel shipping containers the type used to ship goods all over the world. We, at Blue Special Steel — have always taken great pride in building these stunning homes that will amaze you and make re-think the very enterprise of living. 

Our creative designers build color full, dreamy shipping containers to beautiful and comfortable homes, the same as Blue special steel's montažna hlevska hiša. They add windows, doors and other finish levels to make the houses warm, comfortable. From the outside, these houses still tell nothing about history as a cargo vessel. They appear quite unusual and can be tailored in many imaginative ways.

Sustainable Living in Style

As our knowledge of environmental sustainability increases, so does the trend toward living more sustainably, same with the luksuzno izdelane hiše created by Blue special steel. There are an increasing number of people looking for ways to live which do not wantonly damage the earth. Shipping container homes make a lot of sense as alternative building methods because they are built with materials that would otherwise be thrown away. We take the old useless shipping containers and convert them into functional use as well beautiful in look so they will get a new life. 

A small house also saves energy because it is smaller. This style of home requires less energy to heat and cool than your standard single-family insulated homes. As a result, families living in these homes will spend less on utility bills out of pocket. At Blue Special Steel we are dedicated to constructing custom homes that not only help the environment, but look great and feel welcoming.

Why choose Blue special steel Beautiful shipping container homes?

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