Constructing your own house is a very exciting experience! It may sound like a major undertaking, but it can be much simpler than you might think when you go step-by-step. Now we are going to show you how to build your own container home. So make sur...
POGLEJ VEČHey there, young readers! Want a fun project to do with family and friends? If you are fond of being creative and you love designing homes, you should definitely consider attempting to build a container home! All over the world, container homes are b...
POGLEJ VEČDo you know about reveal house with a shipping container? This may sound weird or funny to you, but a lot of people are actually choosing to live in houses made of these giant metal boxes. Blue special steel Storage container homes are the name ...
POGLEJ VEČHave you ever considered what homes might resemble in the future? More people are moving to cities, every day. This means that we require expanded accommodation options for all individuals to reside in. Modular Blue special steel container ...
POGLEJ VEČThere are also so-called container homes, have you heard? A container home is a unique type of home built from shipping containers. These are large metal containers which are used to deliver products. Fortunately, with container houses you can ...
POGLEJ VEČThe challenge of finding something affordable that ticks all your boxes — a good home, convenient location and space, for a start — is a hard search. Finding a new home that is within your budget and feels like home is not easy for many people. But w...
POGLEJ VEČWhat are Pack Box Homes?Do you know Pack Box Homes? They are small houses which made of a powerful material called steel. These types of steel houses are in demand globally. People love them because they're not too costly, they can be built quickly a...
POGLEJ VEČDo you know of pack box houses? These are a new breed of home that is absolutely ideal for minimalists. Blue Special Steel, the manufacturer of these special houses, is helping people make any way that is simple and purposeful. In this article, we wi...
POGLEJ VEČEmbalažne škatle so zadnje čase pogosta tema pogovorov. Te skladiščne kontejnerske hiše so pravzaprav majhne kompaktne hiše in postajajo vse bolj priljubljene pri ljubiteljih bolj idealističnega življenjskega sloga. So bolj ekonomični, jaz...
POGLEJ VEČKaj je stanovanje? Dom je tonik in balzam. Ena izmed potrebnih stvari, ki jih potrebujemo v življenju. Na žalost jih preveč ne more biti domov, ker so predragi. Gradnja in vzdrževanje sta predraga, da bi družini omogočili spodoben dom....
POGLEJ VEČIn ste že slišali za Light Steel Villa? To je redek tip doma, ki ga vedno več ljudi vzljubi, in za to obstaja nekaj prekleto dobrih razlogov! Kot vsi lastniki stanovanj tudi vi, ko gradite svoj dom, želite, da je trajen in ...
POGLEJ VEČAli veste, kako so narejene hiše? Hiše, ki so bile zgrajene pred mnogimi leti, so bile iz lesa in opeke. Trdo so se trudili, da bi dobili te materiale, da bi lahko živeli. Vendar pa z novo tehnologijo prihaja povsem nov in vznemirljiv način...